Today was a gloomy day in Portland, Oregon USA. I did my three WW meetings under duress (only coz it was gloomy) and lo and behold, I'm thinking I have to take a nap when I get home. thought I'd check my email and there was a note from my pal saying the pkg had left Washington State (traveling all the way from Houston, TX!) So I am thinking, maybe it'll come today. I hear the mailman go down our street and I am thinking, maybe just maybe today is the day. IT WAS! And what a delightful day it has turned out to be! I now know my new pal's name. It is Kathy!http://kat65.blogspot.com/ and each and everything was a pure delight. Not only that, but she had been sending me little things for weeks: "TEA-SERS" so to speak, some tea here, honey sticks there. I have been so spoiled! I kinda didn't want the pkg to come too soon coz it has been so fun anticipating. the only drawback was, I didn't know who to thank for all this largesse. So I open the box *gingerly* making it last. Each item was carefully wrapped in Pink and White with beautiful bows with a note stating the theme of white for the tea and raspberry colors for the jam for my scones. Now keep in mind, there was also a tiny note attached to each beautiful gift. What a labor intensive gift! First off were the beautiful tea coasters in delicate shades of pink and raspberry: so detailed like little miniature Persian rugs! Next the tea-pot shaped cookies! Not only adorable with a capital "A" but delicious buttery lemon flavor.Then the first (!) box of tea: flavor: White Peony, which intrigues me no end. Next the hefty mug, just perfect for an evening cuppa in front of the fire (that is IF I had a fire....) then a muffin cook book! A strainer! A tea ball! Oh Lordy, there's so many things! Then what's this????More cookies? A delicate little sugar cookie. mmmm, so good! Then a lovely jar of raspberry jam, MORE tea, an Earl Grey White (a fabulous dichotomy!) Some pink M&M's (with peanut, no less) then a cute little tea bag holder shaped like a teapot (back atcha Kathy...wait for it) Now as if this wasn't enough, the box held a sweet scent of violets, not just any violets, but from violet candy, but this is the coolest part: the scent is DEVON violets, which as you may know (or may not have, but you do now) my daughter's name, named after not only Devonshire, England, but every time I smell that Devon Violet perfume, I remember being in Devonshire and deciding those many years ago that if I had a daughter, she would be named Devon just for that reason. So there you go, an amazing package from an amazing woman: Thank you so much Kathy! I have truly been spoiled! Rotten! Love it!