Today was a gloomy day in Portland, Oregon USA. I did my three WW meetings under duress (only coz it was gloomy) and lo and behold, I'm thinking I have to take a nap when I get home. thought I'd check my email and there was a note from my pal saying the pkg had left Washington State (traveling all the way from Houston, TX!) So I am thinking, maybe it'll come today. I hear the mailman go down our street and I am thinking, maybe just maybe today is the day. IT WAS! And what a delightful day it has turned out to be! I now know my new pal's name. It is Kathy!http://kat65.blogspot.com/ and each and everything was a pure delight. Not only that, but she had been sending me little things for weeks: "TEA-SERS" so to speak, some tea here, honey sticks there. I have been so spoiled! I kinda didn't want the pkg to come too soon coz it has been so fun anticipating. the only drawback was, I didn't know who to thank for all this largesse. So I open the box *gingerly* making it last. Each item was carefully wrapped in Pink and White with beautiful bows with a note stating the theme of white for the tea and raspberry colors for the jam for my scones. Now keep in mind, there was also a tiny note attached to each beautiful gift. What a labor intensive gift! First off were the beautiful tea coasters in delicate shades of pink and raspberry: so detailed like little miniature Persian rugs! Next the tea-pot shaped cookies! Not only adorable with a capital "A" but delicious buttery lemon flavor.Then the first (!) box of tea: flavor: White Peony, which intrigues me no end. Next the hefty mug, just perfect for an evening cuppa in front of the fire (that is IF I had a fire....) then a muffin cook book! A strainer! A tea ball! Oh Lordy, there's so many things! Then what's this????More cookies? A delicate little sugar cookie. mmmm, so good! Then a lovely jar of raspberry jam, MORE tea, an Earl Grey White (a fabulous dichotomy!) Some pink M&M's (with peanut, no less) then a cute little tea bag holder shaped like a teapot (back atcha Kathy...wait for it) Now as if this wasn't enough, the box held a sweet scent of violets, not just any violets, but from violet candy, but this is the coolest part: the scent is DEVON violets, which as you may know (or may not have, but you do now) my daughter's name, named after not only Devonshire, England, but every time I smell that Devon Violet perfume, I remember being in Devonshire and deciding those many years ago that if I had a daughter, she would be named Devon just for that reason. So there you go, an amazing package from an amazing woman: Thank you so much Kathy! I have truly been spoiled! Rotten! Love it!
You are truly a lucky gal to get such an awesome swap package. You do, however, deserve it, being you were such a great swap partner yourelf!
Awesome package mom!!! You truly deserve to be spoiled. You are one lucky lady!!!!!!
Very Awesome package and noone deserves it more for all you've done!! I'm so glad that you were so spoiled! Definitely a generous pal and seems she had fun putting it together! Love all the little notes:)
I just wanted to let you know that I have not received the package yet for WUWinc. I haven't received anything in the last two weeks, but never fear, I'm a little lax for the due date. I'm going to give everyone a week to let the Post Office do it's thing!
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