Monday, May 26, 2008

Knitaholics Project

Got STASH? Those *Little Bitty Balls of Yarn left over from a bigger project? Can't bear to throw them away????? (me neither!) I have a new project I would love to tell you about that I would like to do. One of my friends has been undergoing treatment for cancer...getting chemo and radiation. I made her a "love-blankie" to take to chemo treatments and I thought why not make some more for others going through the same thing? You can participate with those *LBBY. If you can make a square or two or three thousand that can be joined with others to make "love-blankies" for chemo patients, I would LOVE it! ANY type of yarn: Cotton, acrylic, wool (soft non-scratchy) and it will be joined with others of similar type.
CO 30, K 30 rows, use size 8 needles. That's it! If you would like more info and address, please drop a line to Also, please feel free to pass the word along! thank you thank you thank you!

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