This little guy came to live with us several years ago and now goes on all kinds of adventures. If you would like to host Luigi, drop me a line! He LOVES to travel!
Loved the story you emailed me..Send him to Vegas baby!! lol We'll see if we can't show Luigis a good time.
our children & their spouses : Vicki/Rob, Matt/Jane,Devon/Jason, Arielle, CeCe, Aaron and grandkids: Danica,Corey,Sammy,Kaylynn,Kira,Ethan,Camryn: Mine, His, Ours. They are all incredible on so many levels.
traveling. anywhere. anytime.
Home Birth
my girl friends: There are BFs I can't live without! Biff-45+ years of sisterhood, we have shared tears/laughter/joy/sorrow, you have been my rock/Margie: My undying gratitude for being a Mommy role model these 26+ years/Robyn: You are always in my heart since the day your son bit my daughter those 16 years ago/Deb: Our walks, your humor, your listening ear have saved my life more than you will ever know!/Connie: first my sister in law, but always my friend, the ride has been great (even if you have to put up with my brother :-)
to help people. My dad was my mentor. He was easily the most generous person I have ever known.
I Can't Stand:
people who harm children in any way, shape, or form. My heart breaks for abused children and the blind eyes that ignore them.
greedy people.
judgemental people.
drivers who chat on their cell phones and slow down to 10 mph to compensate.
Costco sample hogs :-)
people who block a main aisle and stop and have a chat.
reading a book that has a grammatical or spelling error. Don't these people hire literate editors?
Yarn Harlot comes to town
I went to see Stephanie Pearl-McPhee(for those non-knitters, she is an author of knitting books that are funny and enjoyable, even if you don't knit) for my daughter who lives in Boston. Talk about a great evening! this woman rocks, and I don't even knit!Wait just a doggone minute! As of July 2007, I DO knit! Thanks Yarn Harlot!
Loved the story you emailed me..Send him to Vegas baby!! lol We'll see if we can't show Luigis a good time.
Hi there! I'm a friend of Devon's...if you'd like Luigi to experience Madison, Wisconsin, shoot me an email!
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