Sunday, July 29, 2007

Scarfin' it Up

Still working feverishly on the multicolored scarf (officially 60% done)for Amy's project (see earlier post with link) but I took a little break to crochet another. Since crossing over the Knitting threshold, I thought I had forgotten how to crochet, but it came back to me, just like ridin' a bike(!) and thought I'd whip out a pretty little soft-as- butter chenille scarf for the Warm Up project. Best thing about crochet: It is fast. Worst thing about crochet: It distracts me from knitting!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Scarfin' it down

The scarf(for Amy's project{see link on other post} continues to grow! Wahoo. This was the very first project I started knitting and for some completely UNKNOWN reason, it is taking a LONG time. (Could it be because I seem to be knitting many other projects in between???? Duh.) I did finally go to the Yarn shop y'day and now that I can find my way around the yarn shop (oh yeah, I am "in the know" now!) I got to shop a bit while picking up that colorful yarn to finish the project and I saw this kit that intrigued me. It was a pattern for a silky scarf with beads knitted all over it. It was gorgeous. Fly in the ointment: I had my adorable 12 yo son with me and he had to uhm, USE THE FACILITIES,(when ya gotta go, ya gotta go) so I couldn't eye it in detail. (they had a sample done up) I now need to go back to check it out so I can figure out the pattern if it's doable for a neophyte like me. Anyone seen anything like that? Or done it so you pave the way?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Needle Dee and Needle Dum

I am now making a beautiful pink mohair/black metallic yarn scarf for my sister-in-law's bday. It reminds me of a poodle skirt. Now most of you younger knitters have no clue what a poodle skirt is, but can I hear an AMEN from those in the know??Now here's the thing: I went to Goodwill and found this stunning yarn and I bought a ship-load and it will take me FOREVER to use it and there are just so many thingies you can make for people with the same yarn SOOOO deep breath here: I would like to give some away, share the wealth, etc. How to do this? If you would like some of this stunning yarn (I have more black than pink mohair) I will send you some if you are willing to do this: If you promise to will make an item for Amy's project* (doesn't have to be with this yarn) you'll get a ball of the black or pink. (I also have a sweet dark teal loop yarn that I can send you.) This is on the honor system, but I'd like to see Amy's project go far beyond her expectations. Just post a comment to this and we'll figure out how to get it to you. *

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh Yarn Oh Yarn where have you been?

I officially changed my blog name: It is now Knith Degree, because I CAN'T STOP KNITTING. I went on vacation with 7 beginner knitting books, I made 5 projects, ripped out and repaired a hat 5 or more times, and finally got the pattern right thanks to my darling daughter Devon's Phone-A-Knitter Hotline. Yay! It worked on the 6th take. I am running out of yarn now. There is little time left. I must get up early and go to the yarn shop and be on her doorstop at opening time. Actually, I think I will go there and sleep on the doorstep tonight. Must pack pillow, blankie, books, and of course the last of my yarn for knitting.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Sold my soul to the knitting gods

OH MY GOSH! I love knitting. I am hooked. Since my last post, a)I have been working on my scarf for Amy, b) found some baby yarn in my stash and started a baby hat I saw on Knitty Gritty (DIY)The funny thing is this: working it on my makeshift chopstick "needles" c) today bought several sizes of needles and yarn. lots. bunches. d) started on a project for Devon and Jason's anniversary (muddling through anyway) e) went to the library and got 14 beginner knitting books and f) got my 12 yo son hooked on it as well (he is doing a simple belt project) Why haven't I done this before? How could I have not discovered this before? My arthritis makes it a little difficult to do this and I pay for my 5 hour sessions with stiff hands and fingers, but what the hey! It is worth every single painful moment to create something out of nothing. Thank you Devon for encouraging me to do this. Can't wait to find a class to help me along. I am muddling through the books as I try each new project. So here's my very first baby hat project for my BF Deb's first grandbaby due in Sept. Maybe I'll even get it done in time, then I'll start another for Amy's Warm Up project. Wahoo!

Notice the progress on the scarf @ right!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Knith Degree

I consider myself somewhat literate, so I am thinking why the heck can't I teach myself to knit? Today I went to the yarn store in Tigard and asked the nice lady did she have a book 'Knitting For Idiots' ? I think I offended her. I meant that I was the idiot. Anyhoo, she helped me find a beginning book, some nice wool/acrylic ball of yarn, some needles and I was on my way! I HAD to make a scarf for Amy's Warm Up project and I am tired of saying "I don't knit" and get those sympathetic looks (you know the ones I mean) so here is my first muddle through simple garter stitch project. (that cast on learning curve was a bitch.) I'm on my way!!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

TV or Not TV?

We made a huge step this past week: giving up essentially all TV. My husband threw down the gauntlet when we got into a tiff errrr DISCUSSION about too much time on the computer vs too much time watching TV. He made the silly claim that I was hooked. hahahaha I CAN QUIT ANY TIME sez I. He laughs. So, I did: Cold Turkey. I usually watch the 5 pm news, then the 10 pm news and a couple of programs in between. (Okay maybe, just maybe, 3 hours a night was excessive) So bye-bye news. Bye-Bye cable. Bye-Bye DVR (which records all my myriad programs) It's been about a week: Miss it? Kinda. However it is strangely thrilling. Now I may pick up my Desperate Housewives in the fall again. And this doesn't preclude renting movies. I love movies, and that I won't give up. But the day to day stuff: Kinda cool letting go. I am going to read more books. (I actually read one a day as it is, but now it might turn into 2 a day!) I like the quiet. Get out the Scrabble board Mavis! Fortunately, I have never watched daytime TV, so that was easy giving up, but I guess that's a little like saying I don't use crack during the day, only the night time so it's okay. Oh well. I may fall into the "I no longer know what you're talking about in pop culture w/o my TV shows...." category, but at least I feel in control. Sorta. Kinda. I'll let you know how it goes. (This could be a good time to get that "Knitting for Dummies" book...)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Arielle is home from Germany!

My 18 yr old got home tonight from spending the last year in Germany. Oh it was so good to lay eyes on her. So we're all at the airport waiting...waiting...then she suddenly appears, hugs all around, and oops! what's this? She has a new nose stud! She told me her sister Devon got it for her for her 18th birthday. What happened to cake and ice cream? Just kidding! It's pretty cute. It's funny, when they turn 18, things like that are no big deal. When I was about that age I got 2 piercings in each ear. Then a guy friend and I were in San Francisco and he wanted one ear pierced and we go into a shop and ask the nice Asian woman "How much for one ear?" She replies " Same price!!!One or two holes!!!!" Of course we are both total cheapskates trying to save a buck, so I said "Fine, I'll take his other hole!" and it totally scandalized my mother that I got not one but 2&3 holes! The bittersweet part is a few years after that my friend and his partner were lost at sea and I still think of him when I wear that third earring. Miss you guys Steve and Jon. Still think you might turn up on some exotic island in the Pacific. Devon's middle name is Marisa, for the goddess of the Sea, Maris. That's for you guys...wish you were here RIP 1979

Global Warming

My daughter, knitter extraordinaire, Devon had a link on her blog for a terrific project. I would love to see her friend Amy fulfill her hope of getting hats, scarves, mittens in time for the winter weather. She has a modest goal of 100 items, I think she could get 10 times that. Please read about it on her blog:
Then get your needles out and go for it. I think it would be extra cool to send care packages from the NW to Virginia, a little Global Warming in a good way! Thanks!