We made a huge step this past week: giving up essentially all TV. My husband threw down the gauntlet when we got into a tiff errrr DISCUSSION about too much time on the computer vs too much time watching TV. He made the silly claim that I was hooked. hahahaha I CAN QUIT ANY TIME sez I. He laughs. So, I did: Cold Turkey. I usually watch the 5 pm news, then the 10 pm news and a couple of programs in between. (Okay maybe, just maybe, 3 hours a night was excessive) So bye-bye news. Bye-Bye cable. Bye-Bye DVR (which records all my myriad programs) It's been about a week: Miss it? Kinda. However it is strangely thrilling. Now I may pick up my Desperate Housewives in the fall again. And this doesn't preclude renting movies. I love movies, and that I won't give up. But the day to day stuff: Kinda cool letting go. I am going to read more books. (I actually read one a day as it is, but now it might turn into 2 a day!) I like the quiet. Get out the Scrabble board Mavis! Fortunately, I have never watched daytime TV, so that was easy giving up, but I guess that's a little like saying I don't use crack during the day, only the night time so it's okay. Oh well. I may fall into the "I no longer know what you're talking about in pop culture w/o my TV shows...." category, but at least I feel in control. Sorta. Kinda. I'll let you know how it goes. (This could be a good time to get that "Knitting for Dummies" book...)