I am now making a beautiful pink mohair/black metallic yarn scarf for my sister-in-law's bday. It reminds me of a poodle skirt. Now most of you younger knitters have no clue what a poodle skirt is, but can I hear an AMEN from those in the know??Now here's the thing: I went to Goodwill and found this stunning yarn and I bought a ship-load and it will take me FOREVER to use it and there are just so many thingies you can make for people with the same yarn SOOOO deep breath here: I would like to give some away, share the wealth, etc. How to do this? If you would like some of this stunning yarn (I have more black than pink mohair) I will send you some if you are willing to do this: If you promise to will make an item for Amy's project* (doesn't have to be with this yarn) you'll get a ball of the black or pink. (I also have a sweet dark teal loop yarn that I can send you.) This is on the honor system, but I'd like to see Amy's project go far beyond her expectations. Just post a comment to this and we'll figure out how to get it to you. *
PLEASE tell me your day job is running the new product development center for Hallmark. I'm a gold card member, and will promise to buy at least one card a month, and a box of them at Christmas.
You're also a saint. I'm going to de-sock for a moment as soon as my Sockapalooza socks are done to make the first hat for Amy's project! Thanks for promoting it so vigorously.
Oh thats pretty yarn!! Teal, did you say teal..lol I am already signed on and helping, jsut haven't posted anything yet. I too have high hope of exceeding her limit :) your such a sweetheart for doing that..and boy you sure picked up that knitting quick..lol
Mom, that scarf looks gorgeous. Those yarns are lovely!
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