I consider myself somewhat literate, so I am thinking why the heck can't I teach myself to knit? Today I went to the yarn store in Tigard and asked the nice lady did she have a book 'Knitting For Idiots' ? I think I offended her. I meant that I was the idiot. Anyhoo, she helped me find a beginning book, some nice wool/acrylic ball of yarn, some needles and I was on my way! I HAD to make a scarf for Amy's Warm Up project and I am tired of saying "I don't knit" and get those sympathetic looks (you know the ones I mean) so here is my first muddle through simple garter stitch project. (that cast on learning curve was a bitch.) I'm on my way!!!!
Congratulations Mom I knew you would love it and don't worry the first step is always the hardest. Love you lots and look forward to talking all things knitting.
That's is wonderful! I can't wait to see what progress you make!
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